Who doesn’t love a good lighthouse trip? This one was pretty out of the way, but such a lovely road trip my MiL and I took while on our Taranaki adventure. While we were there we chatted about doing a “lighthouse series” and to try collect all the lighthouses in New Zealand. We have already been to a few together, Cape Palliser & Castle Point, so might as well become “our thing” to do. (Note to self: write up castle point trip from a few years ago)
*cue much research around where and how many there are, and the difference between lighthouse and light beacons* here is a map I’ve found for those interested (note that there are only 23 official lighthouses in New Zealand, and 15 of those can be visited).

Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Cape Egmont lighthouse. I was really surprised when we got there how far this lighthouse was from the coast. It was up on an outcrop, in the middle of what looked like farmland. It’s really easy to access from the road, and is only about a 5min walk (if that) from where you park your car at the end of Cape Road (turn off state highway 45, aka the Surf Highway) and follow your nose till you get to the coast!)
The weather was not great (not bad either) while we were in Taranaki, so we never actually saw the mountain. Which, is a super shame given the pics I’ve seen of this lighthouse with the mountain in the background. Here’s my pic vs one I found on newzealand.com

So, I know y’all are waiting for some facts so here’s a few interesting little things:
- It was built in London in the mid 1800s
- It was originally serving on Mana Island, (off the coast near Porirua) which is where the 1867 year comes from, but there were lots of accidents with ships confusing the lighthouse for one nearby in Wellington.
- In 1877 it was moved to its current spot, near the settlement of Parihaka (which is a really interesting place with history every New Zealander should know, famous for peaceful protests during the land claims of early colonisation) who weren’t keen on the erection going ahead. The date it was first lit is therefore 1881, 4 years after it was moved to its Taranaki location.
- At night it flashes once every 8 seconds!!!
- It’s light can be seen up to 22 nautical miles (just over 40km) away but it’s official range is 19 (35km)
- the tower is 20m high and 33m above sea level.
- It’s made from cast iron. I don’t know if that’s normal for lighthouses, but dang that would have been some heavy cargo from london.

Let me know if you visit this lighthouse, or hit me with some recommendations for which lighthouse should be next on the list!
Happy exploring